Saturday, September 11, 2010

the easy button.

Christianity wasn't meant to be easy. Real Christianity isn't supposed to be, anyways. It's harder than living the easy, normal, directionless life. I know this.
The Bible tells us time & time again about trials and pains that will come our way and how we must persevere. I think we grasp that things are going to be hard, but only in certain areas- like the really really hard things. If that makes any sense.


Do you want easy friends? The ones that you've had that let you get away with anything? The ones that don't challenge you to pursue a deeper relationship with God? The ones that sit back and indulge in sin with you?
Carrots don't sharpen iron.
Hebrews 3:13- But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.

As far as relationships go on a more intimate level, do you want easy romance? One where there are no clear boundaries? Ones that tear you down? Ones that leave you co-dependent?
Be picky- don't settle. The only thing harder than being lonely is being in a crappy relationship.

Do you want to be an easy leader? One free of responsibilities? One that isn't fully invested in those who you've been called to lead? One that doesn't fully commit?
being easy on people doesn't make it better. they need to be trained, not coddled.

Do you want to take it easy on yourself? To not push yourself? To give up easily? To not pursue all that you have been called to do? To lay back and not do a thing?
characters are usually built into details. once you let details slip, you're on a slippery slope.

Do you want an easy God?

Think about it. Some of these, yeah, they sound enticing. But in the long run, easy is nothing. Easy isnt't worth it. Nothing, not one thing, that has been easy is worth it. Nothing that's worth it has come through anything but hardships and perseverence. Think about it and move your finger away from the easy button.

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